A delegation from Aswan University visits the military sector to congratulate them on occasion of Glorious October Victories

      A delegation from Aswan University headed and under the patronage of Prof. Ayman Mahmoud Othman_ Aswan University President_ visited the military sector in Aswan to congratulate them on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the glorious October victories.

        The delegation included Prof. Louai Saad Al-Deen Nasrat_ Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Mohamed Zaki Al-Dahshouri_ Faculty of Medicine Dean, and representatives of the University Students Union.

         Prof. Louai Saad El-Deen Nasrat_ Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs stressed the feeling of meanings of pride and dignity for  Egyptians at the anniversary of the glorious October victories that restored the Egyptian army and our armed forces’ prestige.

        Prof. Mohamed Zaki Al-Dahshouri_ Dean of the Faculty of Medicine_added that in the context of celebrating the glorious October victories, we congratulate our valiant armed forces, which the late President Mohamed Anwar Al-Sadat called “Egypt has a shield and a sword.” The armed forces have become the fortress for protecting the nation from every aggressor and usurper. Throughout the ages, what the new republic is witnessing is the result of the victory of the glorious October War.

