Speech of Aswan University president Prof. Ayman Othman
In quick steps to achieve scientific seriousness, Aswan University adopted a basic principle and an approach in intellectual cross-fertilization in line with the updates in science and technology in parallel with the leading universities and the serious international institutions. It is going forward through its engagement and active presence in local, regional and international platforms; conferences, workshops, and research forums and among serious scientific impact factors through its researchers presence and participation in these events everywhere. Where gaining science is a basic aim, the results will be increasing the publishing of scientific research in the international referred journals with adopting the governmental project from its beginning in having basic and significance procedures for implementing it according to mechanisms depending on the ministry of higher education and scientific research’s vision to be enrolled among the international rankings. Based on the aforementioned information we took a big responsibility in keeping the university’s achievements and promoting it by the efforts of its members.

Former Aswan University President Prof. Ahmed Ghallab’s Speech:
Aswan university esteemed researchers; this honorable gathering of innovators, thinkers and researchers are meeting to enjoy attending Science Day Celebration. This day confirms the university’s concern of science and scientists. This year’s event is coming in line with series of major educational and scientific events organized by Aswan university according the directions of the president of the republic His Excellency Abd AlFattah AlSisi and the minister of higher education and scientific research Prof. Khaled Abd Al Ghaffar to consider 2019 as the year of education and as an implementation of the ministry of higher education and scientific research’s strategy. So I, on behalf of myself and the Egyptian society of education, science and technology, express my sincere feelings of recognition and gratitude of the unprecedented successes for Egypt and its people with you and under your leadership.

The Speech of the Chairman of the Ranking Committee and the Vice Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, the Faculty of Engineering Prof. Mohamed Abd Al Aziz Mohalel Oraby
Aswan University seeks to achieve its aims through the ongoing contact with all the academic and educational entities inside and outside Egypt. Aswan University coordinates with the Arab and international universities for scientific and academic cooperation which promotes the position of the student, the lecturer and the researcher and adds to them in the field of knowledge. We aim at placing Aswan university in the position of the international universities which reflected recently on enrolling it among the international rankings as it was ranked 1st in citations 2020 according to THE. For seeking distinction, we harness all efforts and experience for graduating new generation of leaders and creators in the different fields of knowledge.
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