Disability Support Office

The Disability Support Services at Aswan University is committed to ensuring equal access and opportunities for students with disabilities. Our dedicated office provides a range of services and accommodations to support the academic success and holistic well-being of students, fostering an inclusive and accessible learning environment.

Services and Accommodations:

  • Individualized Accommodation Plans: We work closely with students to develop personalized accommodation plans tailored to their unique needs, ensuring they can fully participate in lectures, exams, and other    academic activities.
  •  Accessible Materials: We provide alternative formats of course materials, such as Braille, large print, and electronic formats, to ensure all students can engage with the curriculum.
  •  Assistive Technology: Our office offers access to a variety of assistive technologies, including screen readers, speech recognition software, and adaptive keyboards, to enhance learning and communication.
  •  Note-taking Support: Trained note-takers assist students during lectures, ensuring comprehensive and accurate notes for reference.
  • Extended Exam Time: Students may be eligible for extended time and other accommodations during exams to ensure a fair testing environment.
  • Accessible Facilities: We collaborate with university departments to ensure classrooms, labs, and other facilities are accessible to all students, regardless of their mobility needs.

How to Access Our Services:

1. Registration: Students with disabilities are encouraged to register with our office at the beginning of each academic year. This allows us to assess needs and provide appropriate accommodations.
2. Documentation: We require documentation of the disability to determine the most suitable accommodations. This documentation is treated confidentially.
3. Collaboration: Once registered, students work with our Disability Support team to create an accommodation plan and discuss individual needs.

Confidentiality and Privacy:

  • All information provided to the Disability Support Services is treated confidentially and is shared only with relevant university staff on a need-to-know basis.
  • We prioritize the privacy and dignity of students with disabilities, ensuring a respectful and supportive environment.

Advocacy and Awareness:

  • Our office engages in awareness campaigns and educational initiatives to promote a culture of inclusivity and understanding within the university community.
  • We collaborate with faculty and staff to foster a supportive environment that embraces diversity and ensures equal access to education.

Contact Information:

Disability Support Services
Location: Aswan University, New Administration Building. Sahary.
Email: equity@aswu.edu.eg
Office Hours: 8:30 A.M. – 2:30 P.M.

At Aswan University, we are dedicated to empowering students with disabilities and creating an academic environment where everyone can thrive. Our Disability Support Services are here to ensure that every student’s journey is marked by success, respect, and equal opportunity